How a Single Decision Can Change Lives: Our Journey with The Marcovia Project


If you’ve never watched Turning Point on BYUTV, I highly recommend it. The show features inspiring stories about lives changed and blessed by a single pivotal decision. You can stream it for free at My husband and I used to watch this show and often found ourselves wondering: What would our "aha!" moment look like? We knew that one day, we would discover how to use our blessings to bless others in a meaningful way.

Our own story of transformation began when our oldest son, just 2.5 years old, was diagnosed with leukemia. He spent over three years undergoing chemotherapy, and while it was a challenging time, we are incredibly grateful to report that he is now healthy and thriving. During those years, we were blessed in countless ways by pediatric cancer nonprofits who helped us financially and emotionally navigate this difficult journey. We promised ourselves that, one day, we would pay it forward.

In 2020, I came across a nonprofit organization operating in Honduras, where I had lived as a missionary for 18 months. One Common Threads provides jobs for 100 women in the slums, allowing them to support their families and build better lives. It was founded by two sisters who, despite their busy family lives, are making a profound impact in Honduras. I was deeply moved by their work and felt a stirring in my heart: I can make a difference.

The following year, in the fall of 2021, my husband and I were asked to facilitate a self-reliance class at our church on the topic of "Starting or Growing a Business." Over the course of several months, it became abundantly clear that we had a unique opportunity to help families in southern Honduras by providing small business loans.  Being divinely inspired, the concept of The Marcovia Project was born almost effortlessly.

But the story didn’t end there. We learned that half a million Honduran children cannot afford the uniforms required to attend school. It was heartbreaking to realize that something as basic as a school uniform was keeping children from receiving an education. That’s when we decided to expand our mission to include providing access to education. Today, The Marcovia Project is not only helping families create and grow small businesses but also providing school uniforms and supplies to children in need.

Since starting the project, I've been blessed to connect with two remarkable women who, like me, experienced their own "turning points." One woman, from in Arizona, felt a strong impression to help orphaned children in Africa. The second, a woman from Tanzania, started her own nonprofit to train schoolteachers in early childhood education and donate supplies to local schools. Both women are making an incredible impact and their stories serve as a powerful reminder of how a single decision can lead to a ripple effect of positive change.

Have you ever had an impression to do something? Maybe you’ve been inspired to take a step toward helping others but weren’t sure how. I’d love to hear your ideas and offer any support I can. You don’t have to start a nonprofit to make a difference—every one of us can find ways to support organizations that are doing meaningful work. Nonprofits rely on the generosity of others to carry out their missions, and even small contributions can make a big difference.

As you think about how you can make a difference, remember that sometimes the most pivotal moments in life begin with a simple decision—one that may change not only your life but the lives of many others. You never know how far your actions can reach.

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1 comment

I’m so grateful you started this! Having served in Marcovia and lived there for only 6 short months I wished I could do more for them. Thanks to your pure hearts, the knowledge you’ve gained and the Lords hand I’m able to continue my service to them from home. I’m able to see updates on their lives. Their progression towards their dreams and financial independence makes my heart soar! I pray this organization stays pure and continues serving more children in Honduras! May God continue blessing you.

Genevieve Sanchez

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