Many Honduran children cannot afford the uniform and supplies required to go to school.

You can make a difference for a child living in extreme poverty. By purchasing a uniform, you're not only providing access to education, but giving hope, and securing a better future for a child.

Two Fold Mission to Reduce Extreme Poverty in Marcovia, Honduras

Participants will become self-reliant through access to education & business capital.

Make a Donation Today

About Us

The Marcovia Project was founded in 2021 by Anthony & Emily Hemmert.

Emily lived as a missionary in Honduras and saw first hand the need for increased access to education and business capital.

In the last 3 years, the project has grown to work with over 80 households facing poverty.

The project operates in Marcovia, Honduras including the communities of El Guapinol, Monjaras, and Buena Vista. These communities are home to some of the poorest people in the world.

In addition to providing students with school uniforms and supplies, we provide small business loans to individuals to start and grow a business.

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Meet Armando, Director of Operations

Armando was born and raised in Marcovia, Honduras.

Like many Hondurans, his home was destroyed in Hurricane Mitch in 1998. Many experts believe that Hurricane Mitch set Honduras back 50 years in economic development. He knows first hand the suffering the children experience growing up in poverty.

He currently serves as a District President for the Monjaras District of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

He is employed full time to carry out the mission of the project. He is our only paid staff member. Armando manages all loans and mentors school children & business owners. He loves his job and seeing the hope and smiles the project gives children.