Honduras 2022

Anthony and Emily had the opportunity to travel to Honduras for a week in early August to the project's beneficiaries.  

As your generous donations are used to provide small business loans and educational opportunities, this trip was paid for by the Hemmerts.  

Armando, our Director of Operations, created a detailed itinerary for each day of the trip.  We visited all 14 loan recipients and nearly 50 children who will receive educational assistance next year.  

While the trip was work, we left time for play and spent one evening watching the sunset over the ocean.  

Our key takeaways from our trip were—

Because of supporters like you, The Marcovia Project is successful! Borrowers are in a better financial position in terms of savings, food security, and potential to grow their business.  

Although we had an idea of distances, based on travel logs, google maps etc, we quickly realized how remote many borrowers truly live.  

All homes lack plumbing and access to clean drinking water.

Kids, are resilient.  Despite lacking food, adequate shelter, clothing, etc., the children were joyful!

We look forward to future visits and successes from your continued support.  We hope some of you can join us there someday.  

 Esperanza, loan recipient, with her 4 children who currently can’t afford to go to school.

Emilia, loan recipient with her corn harvest.  Emilia is enrolled in sewing classes and has a 2nd loan for a sewing machine to sew uniforms for our project and other children in her community.  

Playing UNO

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